Things that You Should Know Before Considering a Facial Feminization Surgery

A facial feminization surgery cosmetically modifies your facial features. The FFS aims to make the hard shape of your face soft to give it a more feminine look. This type of cosmetic surgery is the best option for individuals that are either non-binary transgender, Assigned Male at Birth or AMAB, and transgender women. FFS can feminize all aspects of the face and neck. 

Anyone needing to soften their facial features can benefit from facial feminization surgery. It mostly focuses on nose shape and bone structure of the face and can incorporate soft tissue work like neck lifts and facelift into the procedure if necessary. 
Facial Feminization Procedure 

Facial feminization surgery can be a mix of numerous cosmetic and plastic surgery procedures. Masculinized and un-masculinized faces show many subtle differences that can interpret a face into male or female looks. Considering the said fact in mind, an FFS addresses all facial areas through a separate surgical procedure.

Forehead Procedures 

These cosmetic procedures involve shaving down hard angles and lessening the prominence of the brow bone to outline the forehead shave down. Sometimes, for example, your surgeon may shave down the brow if its protrusion is smaller or you have a thick brow bone. 

Hairline Alterations 

Your surgeon may pair the forehead work with hairline alteration procedures to alter the hairline to counteract the impact of male pattern baldness and receding hairlines. One of the most common approaches is to cut along the hairline, allowing the scalp and hairline to move forward. It will also lower the entire hairline. 

Hair Transplants

Hair transplants enable the surgeon to target the hairline area needing reinforcement without unnecessarily improving part that may not aesthetically require it. 

Nose Procedure 

A nose job or rhinoplasty will contour the nose to suit un-masculinized norms and maintain natural proportion with the face. A transgender nose job is not different from the standard one. However, an experienced surgeon can offer better through FFS, especially when your goal is to get facial alterations for more than one facial feature. 

Cheek Augmentation 

Generally, an FFS doesn’t include check augmentations except for specific cases where this procedure is a must. Cheek augmentation can help make the cheeks get adequately fuller. Since your cheeks can get this fat once your synthetic hormones redistribute body fat, most cosmetic surgeons consider this an unnecessary procedure for those undergoing an FFS.

Lip Lift 

Males and females have differing proportions of skin above the lip and below the lips. A lip lift in an FSS can shorten the distance above the lip to adjust the lip orientation. 


This cosmetic feature will modify the chin according to your facial requirements. Your surgeon will approach the jaw and chin by making an incision within the mount and gum line. 

Jaw Surgery 

Your surgeon will soften hard protrusions of your chin. They will focus on the back corners of the jaw though there are reduction limitations to consider.

Soft Tissue Procedures 

Facial feminization surgery also includes several soft tissue procedures. Depending on your requirements, your cosmetic surgeon will perform with one or more main procedures, such as lip injections, facelifts, eyebrow lifts, and lip injections. 

Recovery Time

Recovery time after FFS varies from procedures to procedures. Generally, you can go home after the surgery and will need full-time rest for at least 15 days. If you have undergone a forehead work, make sure you refrain from eyebrow threading for several weeks. The same is critical after you have received rhinoplasty.

Facial Feminization Costs 

Facial feminization surgery is usually an expensive cosmetic surgery procedure. Depending on the number of procedures required for FFS and the surgeon, its costs range from $20,000 to &50,000. Since it is an elective cosmetic procedure, most insurers, including the government healthcare insurance department, do not offer health insurance.

Society has increasingly become aware of transgender issues and knows that FFS can positively influence those people’s mental health and social wellbeing. Accordingly, the medical authorities seem to be slowly identifying FFS more as an essential step to transgender care than an elective or optional cosmetic procedure. 

After you have decided to undergo a facial feminization surgery, it is now time to look for the right surgeon to get the best possible results. Do in-person or online consultation with as many cosmetic surgeons as possible. Ask relevant questions to have an idea of the variations every surgeon has in terms of their techniques, pros and cons of the surgery, and more.